Upcoming Events

25 September 2019, 14:00
Кръгла маса:
Перспективи пред развитието на иновациите в Лабораторния комплекс на София Тех Парк“
Програма на събитието
Лабораторията по високопроизводителни изчисления ще бъде представена от Иво Илиев, докторант, с презентация на тема:
„Лаборатория НРС предлага възможности и за индустрията в България“

27 September, 2019 18:00 Researchers NIGHT
Sofia Technology Park
Научи как със суперкомпютър да извличаш интелигентно златото от данните
•Лаборатория Високопроизводителни изчисления, проф. дфзн Ана Пройкова, ръководител на лабораторията

22 November, 2019 21st conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

The team of HPC lab will demonstrate the capability of computers predictions at the nanoscale

Power outage

Yesterday, 15.08.2019, at around 13:40 UTC an unexpected power outage has occurred at the laboratory complex at Sofia Tech Park, which hosts Nestum. Some of the compute nodes have been restarted and some job progress might have been lost. We have sent private e-mails to users whose jobs might have been affected and we apologise for the inconvenience.

HPC Team

SSH access, new address

–Scroll down for English Version–

Здравейте потребители на Нестум,

Пиша ви за да ви уведомя, че SSH достъпът до Нестум вече ще трябва да се
усъществява на адрес


Старият адрес, nestum.phys.uni-sofia.bg, ще бъде активен още известно
време преди да бъде закрит.

Благодаря за отделеното внимание,
HPC Team

Greetings Nestum users,

I am writing to inform you that remote access via SSH should now be done
on the following address


The old address, nestum.phys.uni-sofia.bg, will be active for a while
before being discontinued.

Thank you for your attention,
HPC Team

Обучение за достъп и работа с Високопроизводителни изчислителни системи

Click here for English version

Лабораторията по високопроизводителни изчисления е асоцииран партньор (чрез СНИРД)
в проекта BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004 (28.02.2018 – 31.12.2023)

Изграждане и развитие на център за върхови постижения
Университети за Наука, Информатика и Технологии в е-обществото (УНИТе)

и ще участва в съвместно в

Обучение за достъп и работа с Високопроизводителни изчислителни системи (HPC)

На 12 и 13 юни от 10:00 до 16:00 във ФМИ на СУ Свети Климент Охридски ще бъде проведено обучение от
д-р Христо Илиев, с дългогодишен опит в HPC
(RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2011-2018; since 2019 Chief Data Scientist at holler.live, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Главни теми на обучението:
1. Отдалечен достъп до високопроизводителни изчислителни системи
2. Запознаване със системата за управление на разпределени ресурси (с други думи “с какво работата на споделен изчислителен клъстер се различава от работата на личното ПЦ”)
3. Преглед на методите за програмиране на разпределени системи

Ниво на участниците – базови познания по Linux или друга Unix-подобна ОС (macOS, *BSD).
Добре би било да могат да редактират текстови файлове в конзолата с редактори като vim, Emacs, nano. Познания по програмиране на C или Python.

English Version

The High Performance Computing Laboratory (HPCL) is an Associate Partner (through the Research and Development and Innovation Consortium )

of the UNITe – BG05M2OP001-1.001-0004 Centre of Excellence funded by the ERDF. UNITe stands for Universities for Science, Informatics and Technology in e-society.

The HPCL participates in a joint event to be held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University on 12 and 13 of June 2019; 10-17:00

Tranining of access to and work with High Performance Computing Systems

Lecturer: Dr. Hristo Iliev

(RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2011-2018; since 2019 Chief Data Scientist at holler.live, Amsterdam, Netherlands)


  1. Remote access to high-performance computing systems

  2. Understanding the distributed resource management system (in other words, “what does the work of a shared computing cluster differ from the work of the personal PC”)

  3. Overview of distributed system programming methods

Level of participants:

basic knowledge of Linux or other Unix-like OS (macOS, * BSD).

able to edit text files in the console with editors such as vim, emacs, nano.

Knowledge of C or Python programming.

Prof. Ana Proykova, Head of the HPC lab, is a member of International Advisory Committee of the EOSC-Nordic

The European Commission has awarded funding to the EOSC-Nordic project proposal {Call Topic: INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019 Type of action: RIA). The project was ranked #1 in the competition. EOSC-Nordic will form a part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, and it is a collaborative project between 24 organisations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Germany.
International Advisory Committee: Ana Proykova, Professor in Physics, University of Sofia (Bulgaria), Francoise Genova, Senior Researcher at Strasbourg astronomical data centre (France), Wilco Hazeleger, Director, Netherlands eScience Center, Ingrid Dillo, Deputy Director, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) (Netherlands), Daniel Mallmann, Head of Data Services, Juelich (Germany), Andrew Treloar, Director Projects, Engagements and International, The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) (Australia), Christine Kirkpatrick, Executive Director, National Data Service (US).

The EOSC-Nordic project will promote the openness of research data in the Nordic and Baltic countries. In addition, the project aims to facilitate the coordination of EOSC initiatives in the participating countries and to harmonise operational policies and services. Over the course of the project, Nordic and Baltic countries seek to establish themselves as pioneers of open science cloud infrastructure in Europe.

Planned power grid outage

Due to additional construction and hardware installation, the Laboratory complex at Sofia Tech Park will experience a power outage tomorrow (06.04.2019), between 8:30 and 17:30 EEST.

Subsequently, Nestum will be unavailable for the duration of the power outage. The long.p partion in the workload manager has been set to DRAIN, so no new jobs can be submitted on it.

We apologise for the inconvenience.


Prof. Ana Proykova has been re-elected as the Chair of the Strategic Working Group on Data, Computing and Digital Infrastructure (ESFRI DIGIT WG)

She will moderate two workshop sessions at the forthcoming meeting organized by the European Commission:

Royal Geographical Society, London
30 January 2019, 09:15-18:00

08:15 – 09:15 Registration, coffee
09.15 – 10:00 Session 1 – EOSC status update – Plenary Room: Ondaatje Theatre

Moderator – ESFRI Chair
Introduction – Jan Hrusak, ESFRI Chair (10’)
Update on EOSC status – Jean-David Malo, European Commission (10’)
Next steps for EOSC – Juan Bicarregui, UKRI/STFC, EOSC Executive Board (10’)
Questions and Answers (15’)

10:00 – 12:45
Session 2 – EOSC and ESFRI RIs services: how do they tango?
1) EOSC Services for RIs (60’)
Moderator – Ana Proykova, Chair of ESFRI DIGIT WG
Short presentations of EOSC horizontal projects with emphasis on relevant current and future services for RIs

2) RI Cluster projects for EOSC (60’)
Moderator – Jean-David Malo, European Commission

3) Panel discussion (30’)
Moderator – Gelsomina Pappalardo, ESFRI Executive Board
Session 2.1 – Ana Proykova, Chair of ESFRI WG DIGIT
Session 2.2 – Jean-David Malo, European Commission

13:50– 16:00
Session 3 – Break-out sessions (2 parts, 1 hour each) – How ESFRI RIs can contribute to and steer the various dimensions of EOSC
1) Services: Good practices and business models – Lowther Room
2) Policies: Open Science, FAIR data, Reproducibility – Ondaat
3) Architecture: technologies, platforms, interfaces – Drayson Room
4) Skills and training – Sunley Room

Session 4 – Report from break-out sessions, discussion and conclusions
Moderator – Jan Hrusak, ESFRI Chair

i. Summary of the outcomes of Session 3 – 40’
ii. Discussion – 30’ – Ana Proykova and Juan Bicarregui
iii. Conclusions – Jean-David Malo

Talks at the NANO 2018 Conference

8.11.2018 Ralica Dimitrova presents “Proton-radiation induced vacancies in graphene” by R. Dimitrova and A. Proykova at the 20th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sofia 8-10.11.2018 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31075.60969

The presentation can be found here: http://nestum.phys.uni-sofia.bg/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Proton-radiation-induced-vacancies-in-graphene.pdf

8.11.2018 Ana Proykova talk on “Magnetic moments in a graphene sheet with vacancies generated by proton-beam bombardment” by D. Dimova, S. Pisov, A. Proykova, NANO-2018,DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.14298.39361

The presentation can be found here: http://nestum.phys.uni-sofia.bg/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Proykova-NANO2018-magnetic-talk.pdf